Fairtrade Fortnight at SUUG
The Students' Union is taking part in Fairtrade Fortnight, which runs from Monday 28th February to Sunday 13th March. The SU is proud to support Fairtrade, and we stock a number of Fairtrade food and drink in our outlets - so, whenever you buy a coffee or pick up a Divine chocolate bar, you're helping us support fair trade.
Throughout the fortnight, if you buy a Fairtrade product in any of our outlets, you will receive a raffle ticket and be entered into a draw to win a fantastic Fairtrade Hamper full of fairtrade food and drink, a few treats from The Body Shop and a University of Greenwich hoodie made with fairtrade cotton.
We will be holding a couple of events for Fairtrade Fortnight. Starting Monday 7th March, we'll be having Fairtrade Wine Week at Bar Latitude and Sparrow's Farm. There will special offers available on a selection of Fairtrade wines. We will also be contributing to the Fairtrade campaign by creating our own bunting. Come and decorate your own piece, which will then be sent to the Fairtrade Foundation. They will be stitching all the bunting together in an attempt to break the world record for the longest continual piece of bunting to help tell more people about how Fairtrade cotton protects the livelihoods of cotton farmers and to pressure decision-makers to make trade fairer for cotton farmers in West Africa.
Check back here for more information and updates, and help us support this worthy campaign! For more information, visit www.fairtrade.org.uk/fortnight.