Greenwich gets ready for move to Moodle

University of Greenwich switches to Moodle

Teaching and learning across the university takes another leap forward with the introduction of a new virtual learning environment (VLE) known as Moodle. Moodle, which stands for Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment, is becoming increasingly popular among UK universities including London School of Economics, University College London and the University of Kent. It is also used widely among universities in Australia, New Zealand and the United States.

The move to Moodle came about after consultation with staff via a series of workshops which examined three types of VLE. The majority of those who took part in the workshops gave Moodle the thumbs-up in their feedback questionnaires, many citing its ease of use as one of its best features.

Student will be able to use Moodle for interactive online activities such as watching lectures, submitting coursework, receiving feedback from tutors, taking part in chat and discussion groups and compiling ‘eportfolios’ of all their work and achievements.

You can find information and help about how to use Moodle from


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