Other events

Here are some other events you can try...

Zumba Classes with JessZumba Classes with Jess

Zumba is an easy-to-follow, Latin-inspired, calorie-burning dance fitness-party !

Venue: University of Greenwich, Avery Hill Campus, David Fussey Sports Hall, SE9 2UG
Time & Date: Every Monday 1.10pm - 1.55pm  
(+ circuits class at 12.10pm - 12.55pm)

Venue: University of Greenwich, Medway Campus Sports Hall, Chatham Maritime, ME4 4TB
Time & Date: Every Wednesday 5.30pm - 6.30pm
Only £3(public/staff) or £2 for students!

Bring a water bottle!! For further details contact Jess on


Volunteers needed! Sydenham Arts Festival 2011Volunteers needed! Sydenham Arts Festival 2011

This Arts Festival in SE26 is in its third year. It offers events to interest a range of people across the whole community, including street theatre, childrens' theatre, a fim show in Mayow Park, and a family fun day in Home Park.

We need volunteers across a whole range of activities, from delivering leaflets, helping to run the box office, stewarding, first aid, technical help with sound and lighting equipment, and lugging equipment about. The festival runs from 1st - 17th July, all events in SE26 or thereabouts.

If you would like to help, please visit www.sydenhamartsfestival.co.uk, contact the Festival's artistic director, Jonathan Kaufmann at or Ilse Towler on .