
Q & A’s

How do I get a National Insurance Number? If you have been resident in the UK you will probably already have a NI number that was sent to you when you were 16. If you were not resident in the UK and need a number because you now want to work, you can apply for a NI number from your local Jobcentre. Telephone for initial assistance. You will have to attend an interview at the Jobcentre and provide evidence of identity. More information is available from DirectGov.

Do I have to pay income tax and national insurance if I have a part time job? Yes. However, there is a lower earnings limit below which you do not pay national insurance. Everyone who works has a personal tax allowance and does not pay tax if their annual income throughout the tax year comes to less than the amount of the allowance. More details and the current earnings limits and personal allowances can be seen on the DirectGov website.

Do I have to pay income tax and national insurance if I only work during the vacations? If you have a temporary job for the vacation and it is clear that your earnings are not going to exceed your personal allowance for that year, you can ask your employer to complete and submit a form P38(S). You will not then pay tax and not have to claim back any overpayment. International students cannot use this system. National insurance must still be paid if your weekly income exceeds the lower earnings limit.

I think I have paid too much tax. How can I get a refund?  There are several circumstances where you might have paid too much tax. If you are employed, you can ask your employer or your employer’s tax office to check you have the correct tax code. If you have just started work with a new employer, you should give them part 2 and 3 of your P45 from your previous employer and keep part 1. You should get a refund if you have overpaid tax. If you have stopped work and don’t intend to work again before the end of the current financial year (5 April) complete form P50 and send to your tax office with parts 2 and 3 of your P45. You can print a P50 form from here.

How can I find part-time employment? Most of the part time and temporary employment for students is found at suug.co.uk/aboutus/jobs. If you prefer to work off campus you can look for jobs through websites, the local Jobcentres, the local newspapers or direct contact.

I’m an international student. How many hours a week can I work? You can work part time as long as you do not exceed 20 hours per week. During University vacations you can work full time. You can also work full time when you have completed your course if you still have leave to remain as a student.

Where can I get careers guidance? You can get it from GET Guidance and Employment team University of Greenwich at the student centre in Queen Mary’s Building and has a wealth of resources enabling you to get careers information.

I’m being bullied at work. What can I do? Try to speak to the person who is bullying you to make them understand the effect their behaviour is having on you. If that is not possible, seek help from your line manager, your human resources department or your trade union representative. Keep a diary of the bullying behaviour. You can make a formal complaint through your employer’s grievance procedure. More information is available from DirectGov.

Other useful contacts (website links)
Student Tax Advice - a DirectGov-run website, including a tax refund calculator
HM Revenue & Customs: Students Employment advice - a page on DirectGov
ACAS (Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service) - aiming to "improve organisations and working life through better employment relations".
Working in the UK - a UK Border Agency page on how non-UK students can get work in the UK Pay & Work Rights Helpline on . The lines are open 8.00am to 8.00pm, Monday to Friday and 9.00 am to 1.00 pm Saturday.


GET – The Guidance & Employability Team at the University of Greenwich

The GET Team offer services and opportunities to help students develop their employability skills. All advice and guidance is confidential and impartial and available on all three campuses on a one-to-one basis and through group workshops or in drop-in sessions as advertised.

Academic and support staff can refer students directly to our services or can request on-course delivery of specific sessions. We also facilitate recruiting students for part-time, project and vacation work.

What services do they offer?

 - Career advice, guidance and decision-making
 - Advice on further study
 - Personal development planning support
 - Workshops to develop employability skills
 - CV writing, psychometric testing, interview techniques and presentation skills
 - Career management skills module
 - Networking with employers
 - Labour market information
 - Destinations of graduates - report and statistics

 - Helping staff find candidates for part-time positions
 - Helping our students find paid part-time and vacation work, and then issuing contracts and processing timesheets
 - Providing advice on a range of employment regulations, e.g. tax for students
 - International students and work

 - Co-ordinating of voluntary and work experience activities for both staff and students
 - Group project support – funding for student “challenges”
 - Sponsorship for activities
 - Work experience support

 - Peer mentoring programmes
 - International student programmes
 - Targeted groups, e.g. care leavers
 - Training for mentors and mentees
 - Facilitation of student-led mentoring groups

Would you like further information?

If you have a query regarding the work that GET do that is not covered in these pages, we are very pleased to hear from staff on any employability issue.

www.gre.ac.uk/get / /
